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Due South (1994)

      Directed by: George Bloomfield
     Cast: Falconer Abraham; Sherry Miller; 
     Episode: Juliet is bleeding
     Carrie-Anne is: Irene Zuko

Ray, an unlikely Romeo, falls hard for Irene Zuko, his childhood sweetheart. All that stands in the way is her brother, Frank, the neighborhood Mafia don, and the blood feud that has existed between Ray and Frank since they were kids. But there is more at stake here than just Irene; Frank's crime family lieutenant, Michael, is intent on taking control of the family business and finds an opportunity to frame Frank for murder by staging a hit on Ray. Tragically, the hit goes wrong and instead results in the death of Ray's friend and fellow officer, Detective Louis "Louey" Gardino. Vengeance becomes the order of the day as Ray, Detective Jack Huey (Gardino's partner) and their police buddies decide to take down Frank Zuko once and for all -- with or without due process of law. Fraser alone refuses to be influenced by emotion. Investigating the facts of the case, he believes Zuko to be innocent of Gardino's killing and sets out to prove it, placing himself between the cops and Zuko's soldiers in an effort to uphold justice. Left to sort out the web of intrigue without Ray's support, Fraser discovers that the evidence trail that conveniently ties Zuko to Louey's killing has been manufactured by Michael. Of course his proof is Fraser-like, involving Mountie clues that Ray in his grief over the potential loss of Irene and guilt over Louey's death, refuses to give credence to. Michael's palace coup is about to pay off when Ray confronts Frank in a jealous clash over Irene. Ray, fearing for Irene's life at her brother's crazed hands, tries to forcibly remove Irene from the mansion. A gun battle breaks out. But when the smoke clears it isn't Ray or Frank left dead on the floor. A stray bullet has taken the one person both men held most dear -- Irene. Irene's death leaves both men bereft. Ray as a witness knows he has enough to put Frank away, but in Irene's memory he honours her wish not to let revenge destroy him or her brother and lets his enemy walk away.



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